PIMD needs to refund the 40% people have lost dropping tutors in the past two weeks. Just like you did for those who bought dorms before the update. No difference if you ask me. Those who dropped tutors before had no idea that they could one day drop tutors and lose nothing. Just as those who bought dorms not knowing dorm prices would drop. This issue needs to be addressed as soon as possible please.
Will I get the 40 percent I lost when I dropped all my tutors 2 days ago? I dropped after the update and before you decided to give us a 100 percent refund
I just did a test drop from a tutor I bought two days ago and only got a partial refund. Not the price I bought tutor at.
DEVS I've email three times and posted twice to this thread! What will you do for people who dropped tutors after the update but before you decided to implement the full refund?
Yes I also would like an answer to that. Are you going to help us out by refunding the 40% we lost or are we just going to have to take it up the tail pipe?
Yes thanks for telling me I'll get 60% back when I drop, but you said FULL refund on tuts bought after update. I won't drop anymore until I see a full refund
PIMD I'm still waiting on a detailed response to my concern rather I will be refunded for dropping all my tutors a few days before you offered this option. PLEASE respond in detail rather you plan to do anything?
I agree with santa. I dropped the day before you announced this. I want thT 49 percent back or else this just becomes a more ridiculous nightmare.
Idk if this is where I go, but I have not got my refund on credit change and some tuts on the update, my refund was around 20-30B. I have still not had a refund. I wood like to have my money back (at least)15B of my 20-30B. Thank you PIMD.