Tell Me About Your Best Friend!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sherily, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. I had a best friend from when I was 14 to early 20s. We drifted apart during college.

    I still am in contact w her. She has a lovely family of her own now. We’re just acquaintances now tho. I try to be there for her when she really needs me tho. She was one of the few friends that stuck by me through my mental illness so she is a keeper in that way.
  2. I met my best friend when we were kids. I'd say around 7 years old. We would play soccer every day after school and during the summer. Basically we grew up together and he has become a brother to me. Few years ago, he was going through some hard depression and I was there to help him through it. Both of us 2-3 years from being 30, our friendship is still strong to this day.
  3. I think that seems to be a common thing that happens in adulthood. It is nice that you are still there for her if she needs you, though. :)
  4. Oof I hate my dog tbh but she’s about to turn 10 in a couple months, already part blind and has arthritis so I feels you ,_,
  5. Her hair is rainbow-y. She doesn't like makeup thank God. We prefer animals to people. Can just lay down and call for hours talking about nothing or everything. Met my best friend on here 2015 ish
  6. That is amazing! Not a lot of friendships last as long!
  7. I met my best frand in 7th grade but we became friends in 8th-- it's been like.. 3 years now (?). We're so different but it works. She's actually the one who introduced me to this game a day before we went camping last year and it didn't seem like we'd stick with this game for long but now my bb is a mod like wtf. How did this game become a part of our life. It feels like I was trying to figure out the fight button on her just yesterday. *sigh* I loaf her a lot. Wouldn't trade that antisocial pickle for anyone else.
  8. I hate humanity. Simple.
  9. That's heartbreaking 

    I'm so sorry 
  10. Small in stature big in heart! 
  12. I love Holly endlessly.
  13. "Antisocial pickle." Haha Very cute.
  14. I lost my first ever cat last month, he just left n never came back, someone prolly stole his cute ass... hopefully

  15. Aww

    Your cat seems like the fboy of cats ?? That pose smh
  16. Wow Aiiee, n then u wonder y I don’t like u ?
  17. Wow Aiiee, n then u wonder y I don’t like u ?[/quote]

    Sksksk I literally said "aww" stop dismissing my affection ?
  18. U just called my dead neutered cat a fak boi n then messed up the quote, dismissing ur affection af
  19. Everyone is probably sick of me talking about him but my bf is my best friend. Has been for years. We were pretty close before dating, so I’d say he’s been a close friend, if not my best friend, for over four to five years.

    I’m not a social person as far as hanging out outside of class/campus, so I’m not super close to many people. While I have my group of buddies, my bf is 100% my best friend and vice versa.
  20. It was probably me that stole him because he is CUTE AF.