Tell Me a Thing

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Apr 22, 2019.

  1. That first story tho. That's one of the worst most narcissistic things i've ever heard. Am laffing in shock
  2. After a while of deciding which of my heartbreaks I'd share, I wrote a very damn long story just to have the app crashing!!!!

    Now I'm legit mad.

    It won't come up the same if I start it over again. Plus it's a bummer to rewrite all again. I don't even remember how did I start.
  3. No one want to make RS with meHow will i tell u heartbreak story 
  4. awe. App was crashing on me too tbh. You can still have misc
  5. Let's try:

    I briefly dated one of my current best friends. In fact the story is already in another thread. This isn't like the other stories, because he wasn't a dïck, he didn't do any terrible thing to me like Manic's ex, etc. It's just a bittersweet experience.

    From friends to date to friends again.

    From the start he was honest about his projects that involved leaving the country and his inability to fall in love... I still decided to take the chance and I was the one giving the step forward to turn the friendship into something more/else.

    I'm very happy to remain as friends because he's genuinely an exceptional human being: very intelligent, cultured, great for interesting conversations, funny as hell (he always makes me laugh, he has a strong talent for humor) and a generous friend who was there when I really needed someone.

    But as a boyfriend, he wasn't as great. The romantic relationship just didn't work. Even if he stayed, I'd probably have done the same: telling him to go back to friendship...

    Although we talk often and everything is great, the transition wasn't that easy for me, because despite the flaws, he truly is amazing and I genuinely fell for him like I haven't fell for anyone in a while (if ever!) and part of that feeling is still alive. This made it all heartbreaking and had me crying many times (but I was relieved after the decision because we truly didn't work as a couple).

    We could say I really love him as a person, as a friend, even if not as a partner.

    Part of the reasons is he's really nerd and has strong priorities over social life, even over romantic life, which often hurt my feelings, because it made me feel unimportant to him (that wasn't entirely true, but the way his mind works and how he uses his time, made it where we didn't see each other as often as I expected for a normal couple).

    The other reason is he's got a really low libido and we were on a monogamous relationship. Imagine only...
  6. PS: knowing he never felt the same way for me, even though he gave me the best he could give me and was loyal to me, was also painful at heart.
  7. That sucks, Quimey. I can relate tbh
  8. I'm a firm believer in platonic soulmates! If you can get past the romantic feelings that may still be lingering, you will have a friend for life. My best friend is someone I dated when I was 16. 14 years later, we're still going strong. I hope for your sake you can get through it! ?
  9. I'm pretty much already there. Chatting with him isn't painful, it's as natural as before without the s3xual tension, and only ever occasionally I feel nostalgic (and even then I know why it can't be). Today I had a moment, but I'm 99% of the time, ok.
    But he'll certainly be forever one of the most important people in my life. And I also hope we remain friends throughout the years!!!!
  10. My first heart break ?
    There was this guy I liked(he was my best friend and just about the only guy I wasn’t scared to talk to in middle school) I really liked him he was cool and we got along well. We would hang out a lot and I would bring my dog over to his house (cause we lived only a few blocks apart) and we would go walk my dog and his together along with his little sister. I never truly told him I liked him..but he 100% knew. Tbh anyone could tell ?

    Fast forward to One day in freshman year of HS he joined my circle of new friends..and eventually one day he was walking me home from school he stopped me before we reached my street and told me he “had a favor to ask me” as he took my hand in his.?

    I started blushing and turning red as he got closer he looked me in the eyes and said that he really likes our friendship And that he KNOWS I like him more than a friend. But that if I was his friend and really cared for him I should push past my feelings and help him get with my best friend. I froze and I swear I felt my heart shatter at what he did next ... he leaned in and kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear please help me ask her out. I bit my tongue smiled and waved bye as I turned and ran home in tears.?

    Of course I told my best friend cause she knew I liked him (but she was interested in his best friend not him) he got really mad at me when she rejected him. He said it was my fault for liking him and just like that 4 years of fun times ended. ?
  11. Wtf is wrong with some people o_O @mysweetcherrypie. I will gift when i log back into my main tomorrow. That story hurts my heart tho and i feel like you dodged a bullet
  12. That's awful and seriously dangerous. That should be a crime, shouldn't it?
  13. So... okay. My first Heart Break

    I Was a sophomore in highschool and in all honesty I had really low self confidence because I used to be really chubby and I went on a big diet and lost a bunch of weight. So my self image was pretty broken at the time.
    I started to play this PC video game called League Of Legends, and as I started playing i met this guy and he went to my school and he was funny at first and we played video games together. At first we had a few people in a group and we just played video games but we developed feelings for each other and started dating.
    A month in we starting fighting. More like he was being mean I just say okay and was timid.
    Once we became sexually active he was even more mean and I still stayed and thought he was the world. I made him lunch. I went out of my way to see him. It was alot.
    One day my dog passed away and he wanted to make a joke about this dog dying and it really made me cry. I think it kinda gave me insight on how terrible he really was but I kept going because i thought he was the one.
    He had me in a loop where I had no friends and was just him in my life. He was just insanely jealous.
    I started fighting back. Well. Arguing back. I started telling him stuff and it went worse from there.
    After a while he became "religious" and I personally think he was talking to a church girl but basicly he broke up with me because "God told him so" ..... I was heart broken. Cried and was depressed for months. After a while I really kinda saw the difference in how I was treated.
    It was a rough highschool experence because of him. He even showed my nudes which sucks but yea. Never gave nudes out again.

    I know now that I should be treated like a queen and not to fold for any man/women(I'm bi) ?
  14. Yes, it's what here would be classified as gender violence.
  15. That's horrible but tbh I've had similar experiences and all i can say is i'm glad it happened young. Now i am good at avoiding abusive relationships like nobody's business (and hopefully you are, too) and we donut end up wasting decades of our adult life on ppl like that. Glad you are doing better ?
  16. Best be shaking your head at how horrible some of the ppl in the stories are and not my thread :(
  17. Thank you bb ! Yes I'm in a loving relationship and he treats me like a queen. I'm glad we are both doing good cause its rough ?
  18. now she just enjoys turtle rp
  19. LMAAAO and shady moons