Tattoo and piecrings

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *CerezaXMorte (01), Nov 7, 2011.

  1. If ur getting 1. Getta unicorn 
  2. That so weak 
  3. Also what kind of tattoos does your bf have
  4. [​IMG]

    These are snake bites
  5. Well since ear piercings [[crosses, of course]] are considered acts of saintly self-mutilation, I could care less.
    No piercings, no tattoos.
    Plain old 那他俩。
  6. I have my tongue pierced, my belly button pierced , and my ears pierced.
    I'll be taking my tongue out for work soon even though it isn't noticeable ...

    I also have a large tattoo on my side, an original. I'm quite in love with it 
  7. Spider bites
  8. What you mean you wi be taking it
    Out for work
  9. I need more people
  10. I'm in nursing school , so eventually I'll want to take it out to appear more professional.

    But up until now people rarely notice it haha, I don't exactly go around with my tongue hung out 
  11. I love piercings.. So hot. Had 9 once upon a time (mostly hidden) but took most them out. I have 5 now so my ears, trague, nose stud an another one which I ain't saying where 
  12. I have about 16 piercings
  13. I loooooove mutilating my body.
    I plan on getting a sleeve (artwork still in progress) and my lips and ear have had almost too many pieces of metal shoved through them.
  14. (/).-)
    A sleeve is a tattoo covering the entire arm.
    Half sleeve, half the arm.
  15. -.- sorry This is why I made this thread to find out more about tattoos and piercings
  16. If you have sixteen pirecings you should already know a lot bout them 
  17. I don't really I only got them cause I thought they looked good