
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, May 28, 2019.

  1. Ew 
  2. Nah, I got great genes. You wouldn’t dare post a pic tho ^
  3. Oh that could be any of ur post 
  4. Well I wish they were more specific with these bans. It really doesn’t help me learn my lesson.
  5. If you send a help ticket asking for clarification, they'll usually let you know where and what the violation is. I remember that from a few times I got tempabanned.
  6. I got in trouble for "discriminating" against women lol.
  7. ?
  8. What. What did you even say wtf.
  9. This sounds weird but for the longest time I used to be afraid of turning on the stove.

    My house has one of those older ones that clicks a bout a million times before it lights. And one time I guess I left the gas on for too long without it lighting. So when the stove actually lit, the fire came out from under the pot and singed my hair.

    It’s stupid, but I was like 10 at the time and it was scary :’)
  10. I love my gas stove, and hate electrics, but that is one thing I will say is a little nerve wracking. If it takes too long to light, I usually turn it off and walk away for a minute or two to let the gas dissipate before trying again. Luckily though I haven't had to learn that the hard way ?
  11. Electric stoves are almost scarier tbh. Some of them nowadays don’t even look like they’re on ? So easy to accidentally burn yourself.
  12. Exactly! And I feel like electric stoves take so long to warm up for you to actually begin cooking. The flame is pretty instantaneous, rare occurances of a delayed ignition aside.