
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, May 28, 2019.

  1. Some people are unfortunate enough not to have access to proper menstrual products, typically due to poverty. :(
  2. I cringed very hard but I also laughed so idk how to feel about this
  3. World's smallest violin trio? ?
  4. i’ve listened to my older sisters complain about their periods for years, and it just makes me happy to be a guy
    i don’t know if it’s considered an irrational fear, but i have pretty bad trypophobia ?
  5. Same
  6. I've got a pretty bad case of porcelaindollphobia. ☹
  7. Its basically ketch up
  8. This. I don’t like this.
  9. With a hint of oxidized iron :)
  10. Need me some of this tb fh
  11. For the longest time I thought I was the only one scared of tampons tbh

    Also my irrational fear is being sniped from outside while I'm indoors. So like whenever I see a laser I automatically think "oh sht I'm gonna get sniped". Lowkey I avoid windows and move whenever I'm casually sitting in front of one
  12. Where can I purchase & will I turn into a superhero?
  13. i don’t blame you!! my grandmother collected them and wanted to pass them down to my mum – thankfully, she refused. old porcelain dolls are creepy as hell.
  14. I’m scared of stairs, not so bad now, but don’t like em. I fecked up my ankle real bad a while ago tripping on stairs, kinda scared of them now. Stupid fear, but whatever.
  15. I recommend you don’t watch Russian Doll on Netflix then