LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Sweathering through January

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Ashe, Dec 29, 2021.

  1. The 63,male avi 🤯
  2. I have it equipped 👍
  3. All hunts should be this good
    Grenade likes this.
  4. In luv with avis✋🏻💖 and new dorm is just wow🤩
    Grenade likes this.
  5. Omg, cheers!
    Grenade likes this.
  6. Whys that guy standing like a chick
  7. had a string of terrible avis lately?? just make them naked & everyone will love it.
    -May-, Snowy_Winter, AkiraNes and 6 others like this.
  8. I-

    Well okay then. Guess I'll just stare at them since my ass is broke.
    AkiraNes, vibi, Lavender_tea and 2 others like this.
  9. Y'all really drew that man with his whole bussy hanging out. Want.
  10. Easy way out tbh, Ugly avas? No problem!

    Have some nudies for our totally non sexual game
  11. The furni is super good tho at least imo
    AkiraNes and Espacio like this.
  12. If only the coin avi wasn’t so…..flamboyant 😐
  13. i think he’s standing like a human, not a chicken
  14. That male 62 coin Ava. 😮‍💨🌝
    Grenade and Xara like this.
  15. I LOVE the avatars 🤤😍
    Grenade likes this.
  16. When will the spinner items be on the wheel I'm sick of that pig and it coat 😤, but I love the AVATAR and the furniture ok too grey not enough color.
    Grenade likes this.
  17. Tbh the 62 male legs look kinda like a female's one lol
    cindyytania, Liv4992, Alan and 2 others like this.
  18. refresh your app first.
    Muschi and Scorpion-Lover like this.
  19. The spinner item 🥺

    And a good way to start the new year. The Avis 🥵🤤🙈
    Grenade likes this.