[Support] Dn limit

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Rafi, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. I'll support reinstating the only defence ata _had_ to claim there was a facet of the original sanctuary code, now its just an obvious cash grab with compleat disregard for crtc and usc requirements.

    If you really have an issue, try sending an email to them. They're still busy with another third party app that did testing on americans.
    The game is now no longer free to play, if another player decides they can perpetually pin and threaten you to pay or they won't stop.
    And yes i already sent those screen shots in.
  2. basically we can just get 2000dns and just go around dtw everyone  your so late ata
  3. Send in to support and ALSO, leave a 1-star negative review in iTunes Store/play store.... Once Pimd rating goes down, they will bother listening to us....
  4. agreed... lets fuck up pimd's itunes and play store ratings and leave a negative comment, for not responding to the community's opinions on their thread.. RIOT TIME!!
  5. Everyone EMAIL and FEEDBACK
    We want DN limit back! 
  6. No support