Support Depressed people

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Zoka, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. A. There's no proof of "God's" existence.
    B. Evolution is a theory... albeit a pretty good one. But, science evolves daily. We don't NEED to adhere to primitive measures.
    C. Human nature? You mean, what society conditions us to believe. Psychological warfare, yay!
    D. Follow your own intentions. Don't push your agenda on everyone else.
  2. Oh me me me
    I hate children. What's my prize?
  3. @Maniac

    A) There are philosophical reasons to support the existence of a deity.
    B) If we have evolved a certain way, our evolutionary path would hold the secrets to our happiness.
    C) Human nature is not from social conditioning. It is a universal that applies to all properly functioning humans. I suggest you read The Abolition of Man if you would like to more fully understand my position.
    D) I am not pushing my agenda on you; I have not sent my secret police force to make you have children and go to Church. I am telling you what I think will make you happy. I am right, but you may ignore me at your own peril. Also, they’re not my intentions. They are how life was intended to be by its designer, whether supernatural or natural.
  4. Honestly, I guess our prize is no one to look after us in old age, depression, and loneliness.
  5. I'm a listener and I hate being drunk 
  6. That's how life is yo
  7. Unless you have children and raise them to believe they must take care of you in your old age.
  8. I don't want kids because I hate kids
  9. I’m in the same boat, but sometimes I do consider biting the metaphorical bullet.
  10. I just lost 2 pets in 2 months.. its painful to see their last moments/breath as they wait till I get home.. My routine includes nursing them so now theyre gone.. reality sinks in that i can no longer hold nor play with them..

    At times I would imagine slitting my throat and its weird cuz i feel at peace when I imagine it..

    Issues at work too .. broke with with bf ..

    Trying to survive my daily life..

    I do feel better now.. some people here listenned and im glad I downloaded this game again?
  11. I hope things get better, for what it’s worth.
  12. *Manic.

    Every point you've made has been made with no absolute solid, proven foundation. Your suggestions and explanations are merely theories or personal opinions. And they can be, and often are, wrong. I'm happy inwardly and outwardly, without this proposed farce. ??‍♀️
  13. I thought this said “support deceased people” I was like what in the world aha
  14. This is the only time that I’ve been genuinely curious as to what you’re talking about.
  15. What did the kids do to you? They're adorable
  16. I’m with mini. I do not like kids a good 99% of the time.
  17. They can be a pain but they're cute as well
  18. And your point is?
  19. I would like to know more because I do not understand nor have I heard of disliking children being referred to as a disorder.
  20. It’s a disorder that you wouldn’t find in the DSM-5, but it is a disorder of morals, of the soul.