Support Depressed people

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Zoka, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. I think that would be rather wicked, old sport.
  2. There's no reason to shame people for having lots of kids if they can afford to.

    I'm over here raising future Patriots & tax payers. I'm doing my part to expand our economy. YOU'RE WELCOME!
  3. However, my point was that this game (and meeting people on internet games in general) will not give you happiness and friendship.

    It’s just something that our corporate overlords tell us to keep us in front of the screen paying them to waste our lives.
  4. Who decided these intentions? No support.
  5. Neo your attempts to troll are quite poor. You're on every thread trying to stir something up but it's just really boring and tryhardish.
    Please continue.
  6. While (as usual) I agree with H0MOSEXUAL, I do reject the “if they can afford to” part.

    Artificial birth control is a crime against nature and antithetical to the purpose of sexūal intercourse. While I would urge those unable to afford more than a few children to be abstinent after producing those few children, it is the right of every husband and wife to continue to engage in the procreative act. Therefore, I do not think we should shame anyone for having legitimate children, even if he cannot afford them.
  7. Not trying to troll. I’m just really bored, and I’m just staring my opinions.
  8. What a Christian thing to say
  9. I'm not saying the planet will disappear if people have more than 2 kids.

    It's known that earth is wildly overpopulated and it's a contributing factor to why humans will go kaput.

    Hence why i said what i said.
  10. God. Evolution. Human nature. Me. Take your pick.
  11. @RoseMilkTea

    We will not go extinct. If technology doesn’t fix things, then the Malthusian route will fix things.
  12. Well everyone can afford to if they rearrange their priorities enough. It's really not hard to budget for kids, if you aren't a selfish asshat.

    But people who don't provide for their kids boil my blood. They shouldn't have the right to practice the procreative act until they get their act together.
  13. I guess, in part, I would need to know what you mean by providing for them. Of course, they must have food and drink. Of course, they must have clothes that properly cover them. But they don’t need, although they may want, toys (especially if they live in the country). They don’t need a college education. They don’t need a car at sixteen.

    Of course, I think fathers should provide for their children and that mothers should nurture their children- a man who fails to take care of his family is the worst person in the entire world- but we have no right to prohibit or disapprove of a married couple from engaging in their God-given right.
  14. Nah I'm talking about the ones who can't afford to feed their own kids
  15. If we lived in a properly functioning society, the State’s welfare system would help those unfortunate cases, the Church would provide better aid in those situations, and there would be a system for making the parent work, for the government perhaps, until he could afford to feed his children.

    When the Great Depression happened, my great-great grandfather got on a steamboat and went south to work in a peanut farm several states away in order to support his wife and eight children. That’s what good people do, and it’s what people used to do. People today are irresponsible and lazy, but they demand help they don’t deserve.
  16. Yup, people are selfish asshats now. That's why they can't afford more than 2 kids and try to knock people who are able to provide for more.
  17. We also live in a culture of death that hates children and the elderly.
  18. Very true