Support Depressed people

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Zoka, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. I will now use this whenever someone asks how I’m doing and my depression is having a low day.
  2. Depends. There are two types of depression. The chemical imbalance one and something called "situational depression" (which, this is a personal opinion, but I think majority of ppl w depression have situational depression rather than the actual chemical illness and that chemical imbalance depression is overdiagnosed because it's easier to give someone a pill than to give them real emotional supports until they get out of whatever shìtty life situation they're in). Situational depression is completely curable but they have to recognize that's what it is first and work towards getting away from whatever is destroying their mental health
  3. I should have chosen my words more carefully. Clincal depression/Depressive disorder cannot be treated. Situational depression, along with seasonal depression, is a grey area. I personally get a little frustrated with those being alternate terms, because everyone experiences mood shifts that can be influenced by their environment, but that is basic human emotion, whether it's intense, or mild. Semantics, I know, but I guess it's relative to people saying they're depressed when they're just sad (or bipolar because they're short tempered or bit.chy). I know it can become full blown major depressive disorder if left untreated though, so it's just as important to take care of. Just my personal opinion though, not a professional one. :lol:
  4. Yeah those people like that do not know how i feel everytime they did something that truly hurts me. Friendship is not what they after. I am just so sick of people being friendly and nice to me just to take all benefits out of me. I support this thread! Thank you so much for sharing. Truly grateful to hear it!
  5. When you feel really down, and feels like nothing seems to be going to the right direction.. watch food videos. Food is always right.
  6. hey depression, can i get uhhhhhh... cf
  7. i agree. that wasn’t necessarily directed towards op, but towards people in general, since i noticed more than a few being negative.
  8. It used to be a war game, and parts of it still are. Why do you think you build stats? To use them for fighting other people.

    Y'all depressed asshats turned it into tinder for depressed people.
  9. Basically
  10. yo man food is one of the worst ways to comfort ones self. like, watch it all u want, but eventually if u eat food as a comfort u will balloon.

    legit, using food as comfort is how 9/10 my 600lb life patients got to their size. (its also how i gained 80lbs in a year ages ago)

    and food comfort habits are the hardest to break bc u need food to live-- so if u wanna lose weight u gotta portion like crazy and find a new comfort.

    ? everything in moderation kids ?
  11. As wonderful as this thought is and as much as I resonate with, the internet is incapable of letting us enjoy ourselves
  12. No not at all. Op just has the wrong idea of depression.
  13. You are not going to find real friendship on a screen... or in a dog for that matter. This generation has been so screwed up by technology and bad parents.

    Meet people. Attend church. Make friends. Find a hobby. Get married. And have as many children as you naturally can. Live as we are intended to live.
  14. Having loads of children will literally cause more world problems than only having one or two
  15. Children suck
  16. Save the planet. Don't procreate.
  17. Personally, I agree. However, I recognize that it is a moral failing on my part that I feel that way and that it is a disorder to feel that way.
  18. Let me tell you something: The planet is a giant rock. Nothing we do will cause it to disappear.
  19. Castrate your father ?