Support Depressed people

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Zoka, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. StILl BuLlYiNg
  2. Pvp itself isn't bullying. There tends to be a lot of trashtalk that comes with it and it could escalate to harassment but if they're just hitting you, it's a game function.

    Also, a lot of the time I see people who take a few hits then react violently. That tends to prolong the whole thing or escalate it to sfw.
  3. Supporting you all the way kat! Take good care of yourself. I've been there, thinking way too much that leads being depressed and having too much anxiety.
    You'll get through it.  Always remember i'm here.

    (Friend me here again! Idk why you keep unfriending me )

    Love, Sasha ?
  4. Amen. It’s been officially recognized as a disease

    ...and you can’t “just snap out of it”
  5. So there are many gay and trans people who are going through a lot in this society. This is pride month and as a pan I support LGBT community.
    So People who going through harassment or any other abuse can post your situation here and I can try to help you. OFC many will be helping you seeing you post here.
    No matter what gender you are and what sexuality you are into
    Be colorful and Fabulous<3
    Happy pride month (^~^)
  6. I’m gay and hate myself.. help me
  7. Like I’ve said before
    Supporting me only makes my depression harder. I can understand that maybe you’re sad and a friend can support you and you’ll be like OoOOoH TaNkS BudDeH I feEl BeTTeR
    But that’s not really depression. Depression (for me anyway) comes in waves that lasts only a few hours to even months or years and they’re extremely difficult to get out of even if you are being “supported.”
    You’re constantly being belittled by your own mind and tbfh support is only going to make me think “Why support me? I did absolutely nothing. Are they trying to be condescending?” and that thought will be going on and off through my head every day until a new thought comes to replace it.
    Sadness and depression are different. One is harder to deal with and can lead to severe consequences if left untreated while the other tends to be easy to cope with.
    Go ahead and support your sad friend, but don’t come at me with this “SuPpOrT DepREsSeD PeoPle” bs if you don’t understand what depression is like. You can’t just turn that frown upside down or listen to your favorite song to cheer you up. Depression leaves you feeling like a numb husk that causes you to hurt yourself to feel something.
    I’ll say it again. Support your sad friend, but don’t you dare compare it to depression if you think the two are similar.
    Get Educated.
  8. I wouldn't suggest coming here to make friends ...see me I'm here cause I'm a gamer not looking for love or friends here ...I'm happily married and have plenty real friends.
  9. I want some of what you have.
  10. not going to quote it, but i will say that whether or not you need support when you’re going through it is different from person to person, because everyone is different. personally, knowing that someone cares is really helpful for me ??‍♂️ pushing away people who may not fully understand but want to help will just ultimately hurt you in the long run
  11. A stranger (such as op) doesn't rly wanna help tho. It's easy to say you do but ppl w depression need the unconditional love of the ones who actually care for them not. This thread woulda been better as 'sending positive vibes' kinda thing rather than a 'I will be here for you even though idk you' thing.
  12. So when did a war game turn into a mental health app?
  13. the thing about depression, from someone who has had treatment resistant depression for 10 years to the point of almost total debilitation and 0 quality of life, is that support for depression isn't always the soft self care people love.

    yes, things like, "thinking of you, love you, lemme know when u need to talk" are great. and some days are needed. things like bubble baths and congratulating yourself on getting up are great and some days are needed.

    but some days you need to kick your own bum and say, "alright, i need to shower. its been two weeks. my hair is matted." or, "i need to call my psychiatrist and schedule an appointment bc i am not okay."

    having someone support you through depression is great-- but it doesn't beat working to support yourself through depression.

    and supporting yourself is not something you might be able to do every day. but you need to put the effort into asking yourself, "is this SUPPORTING me or am i using it as a CRUTCH to avoid/victimize/make life easier for myself."

    if you live with depression, you should always work on fighting it by supporting yourself. the you who you are- not the negative skew many of us see ourselves as.

    support depressed people working on learning to love themselves and realign their views to be more accurate-- WHILE they work on managing their daily responsibilites.
  14. This is not a game actually. A Game should make someone use some skills.
    Yeah there might be some strategy things in this game but this is not actually a game. Many are using this as a tinder and I'm actually using this like some social media TBH.
    This app can do a lot more better if it adds some of the features from other social media apps lol
  15. I actually wanted people to be social and depression is something that can be cured by friendship and care. People mostly get depressed when they are not treated right by the person they love and most of them get depressed when they are too lonely. So, feel free to add me and share your feelings with me or any other you would like to be with ?
  16. Pimd is actually under the “Role Playing” section for games, not “strategy”. It’s also not filled under “social media” so ata really doesn’t need to (or should) add in any features that other social media apps have because pimd is a “Role Playing game”. Not a social media app. Also pimd is barely a war game anymore.
  17. But people here have changed the way of roleplaying and it's like totally banned for most of the people ?
    This game has got pvp thing and roleplaying thing but none of these have worked well tbh
  18. this... is almost 100% not depression. depression is crushing helplessness and sadness and loss of interest in any and all things in your life. depression is not being able to deal with the day-to-day aspects of life, like taking a shower, because your effort is confined to not wallowing in sadness. depression isn't caused by being lonely. it can be exacerbated by it-- but the underlying cause in depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain.

    being lonely and 'not being treated right' by people (a fallacy bc what might be treated right for one isn't always for another) aren't equatable to depression. being social and having friends can't cure depression-- because depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain. medically speaking, depression is a lifelong illness because of that imbalance. an illness that can be regulated through things like friendship and exercise and medicine and therapy, but a lifelong issue that will need to be dealt with.

    i mean, yes, people with depression need friends and support systems like everyone else, but it won't cure them. it won't make their issues disappear. it won't prevent backtracks in progress.
  19. Legitimate depression cannot be "cured," it can only only treated in which you can enter a state of recovery/remission.
  20. A ceasefire as I like to call it