Discussion in 'Wars' started by M4GN1F1C3NT_BANDZ, Jan 20, 2014.

  1.  support 
    Broncos 
  2. Support broncos side just let me know when.
  3. Wait but you don't even know who's playing in the Super Bowl yet what
  4. BRONCOS
  5. Yes we do fallen angel. Broncos and Seahawks
  6. Oh I thought there were still more games to play my bad don't mind the dumb person who doesn't watch football I'll join if someone makes it, and if it doesn't conflict with anything.
  7. Hopefully some creative person makes a sign up thread 
  8. There just one problem. I don't see any Seahawks fans
  10. I play for the broncos, I'm #18. You might know me.. Shane Manning? 
  11. I wanna play for Seahawks or war. 
    As long as it's not during the game. ?
  12. A day before the game
  13. I want to join  Broncos side though.
  14. Lol no ones gonna be active because mostly everyone in the club is gonna be watching the SuperBowl ..
  15. It's the day before