Super Pics: Made to Order!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Crystals_Banana_Buddy-, Aug 5, 2012.

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  1. Spike, you gotta make me an awesome meme lol
  2. Okays a meme is comin your way :$
  3. Okays lets do this shit
  4. ERMERGERD. That monster!!

    I posted it at work one time and underneath it I wrote

    "Do your job, or this monster will eat your first born"

    ... Fate, Hermes. Fate.
  5. How is this Surf3r?

  6. Oops... Forgot the stamp
  7. It's beautiful 
    You da bomb
  8. Can I haz one?
  9. [​IMG]

    Here ya go surf3r, follow me to get th code
  10. Follow me if you want teh code
  11. I love them all so much
    Thank you!
  12. It looks like she's slapping me, SMH.
    LOLOL  I think it's funny.
    I liked it.
  13. Lol I thought she did slap you
  14. These are so fun!!
  15. What do you want Jen?
  16. Nah, that was a joke ;p
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