
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DevilsWife, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. Present ?‍♀️
  2. Roasted
  3. I will never forget you even tho I still forget which you are half the time :)
  4. Reported for slander
  5. Reported for making a public accusation
  6. If they’re roasting you it’s not the cool one
  7. Reported because I always read your name as mushy and then I think of lasagna and it gives me the visual of mushy lasagna and that upsets me
  8. Maddi is still my fav tbh

  10. That's funny because my last ign Tlachtga resembled the word lasagna
  11. Took ya 2 tries
  12. Ye that’s why ?mushy bendy lasagna
  13. Now I’ve just got a picture of sad lasagna in my head
  14. My spirit animal