Sun City RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Southern_Angel, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. John: -Laughs and pushes the knife away- There's no money in that, besides... Why would I want to kill you?
  2. Angel:
    That's what you just said. I don't watch where I swing this, it'll be sooner then I imagine.
    -She throws the knife in the air and she looks up at it-
  3. John: -Reaches up and snatches the knife out of the air tsking- No need to risk that pretty little face of yours just to prove a point,
  4. Angel:
    -She narrows her eyes at him- Who said I was proving a point? Maybe I just like the rush.
    -She holds her hand out for the knife-
  5. John: Maybe, Maybe not. -Hands Angel her knife back- Now, what's your name?
  6. Angel:
    But sir ... what if you're lying, plus I could be crazy ... -She smirks at him-
  7. Robyn, getting bored, goes back to her room and flops on to her bed. She watches the ceiling even more bored than she was in the sweet stash.

    Roison looks in her pouch, she had managed to get another fiver worth of change. There had been an almost consist flow of tourists wanting a photo and on occasions there were locals who wanted one, with the infamous daughter of robin hood.