Summer Avis?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by SinkOrSwim, May 1, 2019.

  1. he's gotta have more hair than that. besides the armpit hair, he looks like he's gotten a brazilian wax :lol:
  2. Not all guys are really hairy and who cares if he got a Brazilian wax?
  3. I think the point you're responding to but missing the point of is that most of the avatars are depicted similarly to the image. Clean cut or smooth. Natural hair is hard to animate, especially body hair, but they might as well try if they're appealing to such a broad demographic.
  4. Not talking about the avatar
  5. I don't care if he got a Brazilian wax. I don't care what anyone does with their body hair. I just think they should do avatars with more body hair because they have plenty of chiseled, body-hairless male avis and I wanna see some avis with more body hair :( When I said "he", I was talking about the potential male avi that the person was suggesting be based off that model. As in the avi should be him but with more body hair.
  6. I don’t even feel like spring has come. It hasn't completely stopped snowing yet in my city
  7. they’ve done it before tho and got a lot of positive feedback which makes me confused as to why they haven’t done more designs like this:

    he needs some on his legs too :p
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  9. Gotta get rose in here to add that leg hair
  10. Hair fetishists everywhere

  11. Lol they ripped that crap from DC ?
  12. ^ And what about it? ?

  13. Like this?

    Lmaooo wrong photo :(

    I’ll leave it here tho ;)

  14. Like this? :)
  15. Yaaaas a realistic body
  16. This
  17. I’m taking this for everything I support now
  18. This af
    BrattyAF likes this.
  19. This af. My dude is super fit but like not body builder but he has body hair and it’s very appealing to me. I was going through my shirtless avi and was like why are they all pretty much hairless with crazy abs. Something in between pls