Y'all saying this is not the place for it,well where would the place for it be? On a hotline or mental help forum? News flash people ,anyone with depression is looking for a way to distract from the pain usually Where's a good distraction? A game. Possibly one called pimd Hell I have depression and I've attempted suicide 3 times,but now I'm slowly getting better and this put a (very slight)smile on my face,so thank you op. Probs some others with it reading this too and I'm sure they had the same.
Sucide is not a selfish act i was sucidal i hated my life and i didnt want to be a burndon on my family being always depressed so i was gonna do it but my grandpa found out and stoped me and he was there for me
Good job op everyone thinks sucide or depression is a joke it isnt and until you go through it you will never understand
We all have a choice you can sit back and feel bad for youself or you can push everything back and only look forward
Just cause you're an awkwardly gay teen doesn't mean you have the kill yourself lame have you tried cutting?
Tried cutting Not gay(dating a very beautiful girl) not awkward(except for on the phone) And you're most likely the younger of us two
That's a lot to read, i skimmed through it. Pretty sure i could have googled that if i wanted to know anything about it, most of it is common sense though. People do seriously suffer with depression, it's mostly teens though. Life is hard and sometimes people dont know how to cope with things so they just dwell in their sorrow annd don't do a thing about it. But as you get older, you'll realize life is mysterious and full of beauty through all the suffering. Because without sadness there cannot be happiness.
Its actually not mostly teens. The elderly suffer with it as well. It is more common than most realize.
??Depression is real?I cant believe how so called adults acting on op thread?How would you feel if you lost a love one to suicide?