Suicide: Aftershock

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by ShadowPrincess1, Feb 8, 2016.

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  1. I didn't like this at all. It's so stereotypical. Sorry.
  2. I appreciate the fact that you are honest about how you feel about it.
  3. Tbh, it's better than 13 Reasons Why 
  4. It was really deep and sad but good, i think that you could be an amzing writer. KEEP IT UP!
  5. This brought tears to my eyes... I think everybody that is thinking about doing suicide should read this...
  6. Omg i loved it 
  7. yes op listen
  8. It was amazing I loved it
  9. Thank you for enjoying it.
  10. Suicide is a solution to end a problem but get more problems :(
  11. It does make things worse.
  13. This is deep I love it
  14. I liked it it was deep not all depressed people want attention guys so leave them alone assholes but u express u ok? Ok.
  15. i loved it. deep and dark yet beautiful. a masterpiece at its finest
  16. This made me cried. It very heartbreaking, knowing that this is what happens when someone kills themselves. Not only does the victim dies but everyone that ever loved that person. It was well written and I love it. 
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