Support. With the changes in tier levels, everyone’s stats are increasing yet the CC has not. It’s imbalanced and needs a change ATA
Support! Not just for cc clubs, but regular potd clubs too. Those that have high stat requirements (yes I know we can change that) have them go by fast as well. Same damage dealt or a cc pro would be a nice addition!
Ata will milk this till they dry the cow out. Also, the only way I would support this is if the cap of 500 hunt items is raised to match the (difficulty). I’d rather have a ton of fast cats that I can get 400-500 hunt items on, as apposed to one super long cat that takes 4x the time but still only get 500 hunt items.
But my honest suggestion is to increase the payout from pvp because it clearly not balanced, i got 200m hiting same sized player when i was t6 bc (7 mcs), and now only 255m eventhough i'm 28 mcs...