Sugar Rush! - Open Buckets until Friday!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 28, 2016.

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  1. Re: Sugar Rush!

    Finally something good
    But ruined by 'Random Drop'
  2. Re: Sugar Rush!

    Candy and Buckets are both non-guaranteed drops from all parties
  3. Re: Sugar Rush!

    One of my friends didnt get his complimentary 1 bucket 1 candy. Whyyy?
  4. Re: Sugar Rush!

    How is that it takes twice as much to get another 1/4 full? That's not how math works.
  5. Re: Sugar Rush!

    This looked really fun and cute and I thought it was finally a step forward from everything but once again it's just another way for ATA to be money hungry pigs. Candy is too rare so that people will spend ec as always since it'll be the only way to actually fill your candy bucket. ??? thanks for your "generosity" for this Halloween. ?
  6. Re: Sugar Rush!

    Why parties arent dropping? Oh right, so we spend ecs ?
  7. Re: Sugar Rush!

    Lol ATA is proving more and more to he the definition of #wastemytime2k16
  8. Re: Sugar Rush!

    * be
  9. Re: Sugar Rush!

    oh wow. i got really excited about this. :(
  10. Re: Sugar Rush!

    so, do candies not drop every cat party? and i would also like a further explanation of how the hunt goes. ?
  11. Re: Sugar Rush!

    As ATA put it, candies are not a guarantee drop from any party. Everyone's being treated equal now, even those who spend money are getting ripped off as well.
  12. Re: Sugar Rush!

    Do you see that at the beginning everyone was really excited and happy, now everyone is like, not? We just finished a hunt which, as usual, required cats to do well, (flash to do great). Why couldn't you take a weekend to just treat us to a fun holiday instead of trying to make people spend 20ec for mostly 10kcs stat items? Can't there every just be player appreciation where it isn't a money grab anymore? Were you guys seriously eating ramen noodles living in studio apartments those years you occasionally did the fun hunts like kawaii? Just from reading the first several pages, you would have had really happy, grateful players on your hands.
  13. Re: Sugar Rush!

    YES!! Well, maybe! To ONE lucky hitter! May the odds be ever in your favor!
  14. Re: Sugar Rush!

    What's a Haunted Manor?
  15. Re: Sugar Rush!

    For a second I thought they were going back to their roots  lol I should have known better
  16. Re: Sugar Rush!

  17. Re: Sugar Rush!

    If you're gonna make everything so rare, you might as well have allowed us to buy buckets too since this mini hunt will most likely be about how much money someone spends. ?????
  18. Re: Sugar Rush!

    Are we receive our awards in other hunt?
  19. Re: Sugar Rush!

    Oh look refurbished avis lol all you do is change the hair and clothes. Must be hard to think of New ideas
  20. Re: Sugar Rush!

    I was excited for 5 minutes there. One more reason not to play for the weekend 
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