Re: Sugar Rush! Finally! I actually kind of love this one, love how some of the old avi's and drops returned.
Re: Sugar Rush! Opened one full basket to receive 1 cheap item 5k/5k not worth the waste of EC. It's just another way for ATA to make us spend and make us receive terrible odds.
Re: Sugar Rush! Every time the bucket changes it fill, it resets the candies needed. You'll need 3 more to make 8 candies and get the full bucket.
Re: Sugar Rush! So it says full buckets could be gifted, but when I try to accept it says I have to many of that item
Re: Sugar Rush! So 15 candies total to fill a bucket?? Lol, yah. Considering 1 candy dropped from the last party, this is an event I will pass on.
Re: Sugar Rush! You can only ever have 1 Bucket at one time, regardless of whether it is an empty, 1/4 full, 1/2 full, 3/4 full, or completely full Bucket
Re: Sugar Rush! Just completed drink and be scary. And no one in club received drops. Can you check please?
Re: Sugar Rush! Rare drop but you need 20? But the prizes are hardly rare with a 10kcs item if you get it? Not really worth spending 20ec for either. Doesn't seem worth it IMO but okay.
Re: Sugar Rush! Since it's so rare as a drop I'd be pretty annoyed if I got 20 and then got a 5kcs old hunt item (which I already have). Seems quite silly. And makes 20 too large of a number of without having being forced to buy them with ec.