Re: Sugar Rush! I was so eager when i saw this hunt was gonna start , it looked so promising... But Them i realized... Does actually someone Get to open a Bat Bucket!???!!!! Im sure i dont Get drops enough to Even open 1 This sucks soo much
Re: Sugar Rush! The drop rate is ridiculously low making this a super hard hunt. It would have been much better if ALL items randomly dropped often (except Avis) and the Candy & Buckets dropped at least one per party. This is the most retarded hunt idea you've come up with ATA. Thanks for nothing.
Re: Sugar Rush! Apparently, the word R e t a r d e d I'd not allowed by ATA. Which is the word that's missing from my last post.
Re: Sugar Rush! At least people are paying crazy ammounts for candies ? I made 30 bento this hunt lol
Re: Sugar Rush! Very true ,its like they trade for old items & we have to pay for that items to get it,darnit ata
Re: Sugar Rush! Worst hunt yet, so many hours to get nothing, it's official pimd has become a pay to play game. I've bought ec for years but this is ridiculous
Re: Sugar Rush! Those items are about 2 years old, of course players who earned it at that time should have advantage over your lvl3 active sorry ass
Re: Sugar Rush! ATA is the epitome of moronic, first they start making crappy avatars then they start making crappy hunts failing to please even the beloved 70% of players who prefer parties over pvp events, I think PIMD has run its course and the devs know it so they're just trying to get the biggest amount of money they can before the curtains close.
Re: Sugar Rush! Yeah you knew ata isn't done screwing the community with there bs... thought bringing back the old stuff was a great idea but how you brought them back is greedy and it's destroying pimd trade yay mad chaos in campus just for ata to get money. Also I liked that cats and kini's where useless as well.