Re: Sugar Rush! This hunt is purely for pay-to-play players. Not happy A.t.a. You call it a sugar rush. This isn't sweet. It makes us all bitter and should be renamed to "ec rush"
Re: Sugar Rush! This hunt is awful, barely any drops making it just about impossible for those who don't pay to get 1 full bat bucket.
Re: Sugar Rush! Gonna go to Walmart and buy candy. ATA will never get a dime from me. This is the worst hunt ever...
Re: Sugar Rush! The definition of hunt: All other games; Pay a little to get a lot back Ata games esp PIMD; Pay a lot to get a little back
Re: Sugar Rush! Old players got very huge amounts of old pugs and z parts, even frankenpugs and zombie bros. Now they're trading those to new players for candies. Not fair. New players are taken advantage of. ATA should have created new drop items for fairness.