[SUBMISSIONS] Pizza Avatar Design Contest

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, May 9, 2014.

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  1. Boom failed ????
    Lets try that again....

    [img width=300 height=600]http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b267/bluescarletrose/Artwork/imagejpg1.jpg[/img]
  2. One more...?? im so sorry

  3. Kristi  Thanks 
  4. Everyone seems fond of the cat girls so I made one just to humor you all. The arm. Is a bi messed up tho lmao
  5. Im gonna do a cat girl too :(

    For now here is my next submission, its a cuter younger me holding a breadstick while wearing a pizza neckless on graduatin day. This is also a shoutout to all college and highschool grads

  6. To keep age of it


  8. This is the first and last i'm spending so much time on. Pardon the legs i know they are not quite right.

  9. Here's my 2 submissions ?I'm not the best drawer with I thought I'd try

    Well I was offline most of the week, so sorry if my post looks similar to anyone's, I don't intend on it? So here we go, They don't have much color and creative designs because I was in class butttt I thought I'd also leave the coloring and creative designs (if I get picked) to you wonderful people at ATA since you guys rock at the coloring, shading and designs andddd I'm kinda clueless at that 
  10. PAGE 8! XD -FF-SmaeSugarSalt-
    i vote her. haha eventhough her drwing is a draft it's awesome! :D she told me later or tomorrow she will put her final drawing! :D cant wait to see :D

  11. *crossing fingers* hahaha
  12. just trying but that's not my work idk who did that
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