stupid number game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DEBUG, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. Me to even though there are idiots on here I cant stop playing .
  2. It's too addicting 
  3. They dont want there staus to drop so they tell me i can only play this with them and at home never in public xF
  4. Those are some great friends ya got there ?
  5. they sound like the mean girls.
  6. Malibu representing xD
  7. I had friends like that...HAD
  8. They are the MEAN girls. But they alwaus been there for me an they love me aha
  9. Your like that one girl who they want to join there group
  10. Except i will soon be da leader.. Hopefully xD
  11. Nope make your own group then BATTLE them. Like in the mean girls