Strip Farming a PWAR Cow

Discussion in 'Wars' started by EveryPrincessNdsHerCrwnAndCoke, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Referring to the junior high part, meaning making a hate thread about someone.
  2. This Thread is awesome
  3. everyone should hit battle list and lets start a riot
  4. How about no
  5. Yea i woulda strip farmed you for that post too… shouldn't be talking tough and expect nothing in
  6. You arent understanding the rant I was on. I believed that everyone should check to make sure they arent a PWAR Cow. Im not upset at his farming. I was a PWAR cow. I was already being farmed. I farmed him and made all the money I had lost and the 50%. So that is not what upset me. It was knowingly stripping a Cow and then farming. That was my problem. I now know that I am in the minority and what I thought was common courtesy, isnt. Like I said earlier, lesson learned. So please dont say that Im upset about being farmed, as I was already a PWAR Cow being farmed. Even when he hit me the 6 times after the war, I lost less that 31m. One hit on my farm makes up for that plus more.
  7. I see people on high horses?
  8. this thread is pointless people are gonna play how they wanna play and thats that forums or farmin said person isnt gonna stop it
  9. Who cares if you are a cow? I've been stripped durin wars before lol and I ain't complaining
  10. Charlie if you ug to 95 each I'll bump you.
  11. ^im Savin up for another 2 T5's

    300M out

    19.7B to go 
  12. lol charlie good luck on that
  13. I'm getting tired of people complaining about being hit. Shut up and quit if you can't take a tut being hired and a few hits. I'm sure there are some apps in the G rated section of the App Store you'll enjoy.
  14. im with probe president
  15. Just a lil update: 345M NOW 
  16. good job charlie can i borrow 50 mil?
  17. Munch I BET U WANNA SELL ME 
  18. Nah I could sell you in a heartbeat if I wanted to. I was just seeing how close to an ug you were
  19. I agree with Epi, Munch, and Gnomey who knows how I respect a player in the game to play how he or she chooses to play.

    Putting yourself in the position to be a cow in a pwar, you assume the risks that come with it, up to and including your tutors being hired away during the "war". I do not agree with the "lazy way to grow" because it takes something away from the game. Having pwars does not make the game more interesting. It makes it more dull because you don't get to have both sides fighting to win and gain bragging rights. You have one side that sits there for two days, with a dead cc, and no one that they probably know in the same club.

    I say, hire tutors all you want. Bump who you want and hit who you want. It's how the game was meant to be played. Everyone just seemed to forget that and make up "rules" so there could be some structure to a game that was meant as a battle game.

    Even in a battle game there are acceptable ways to conduct yourself right? Who defines what is acceptable? Where in the RoC or ToU does it say you can't hire tutors of a certain price or during a specific time? Where does it say that you can't hit an active player multiple times? Where does it say that if you do any of those things you are wrong for doing so?

    My only regret right now is that I am working so much and my rl has taken away from how much I used to play this game. Those that know me know that I was an avid player and was in multiple wars a week. During that time it was entirely unacceptable to hire during system wars and no one knew of pwars. I've been farmed by individuals and by clubs for hits. Why? Because that's how the game is played. It all ends at some point for one reason or another.
  20. the only thing bout what your sayin ghost is people run to their clubs and pupils and strip farm you with multiple people and want u to reset or post an apology thread which i find funny i say to hell with all that im gonna continue to play how i want