Strip farm war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -OnlyAFable-, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. April in all reality I most likely would have been talking shit in your club haha
  2. That's what they do anyway
  3. I'm hardly on anymore I just get on when someone pm's me or I get told there is a forum bout us haha game got hella boring all these pussies asking for cf still wanna lcbc but it prolly won't happen 
  4. April 3/3/6
  5. Wang 1/3 u ass 
  6. Wonder when the thread will get locked
  7. maybe they'll make another one for us
  8. Never lock this thread.
  9. It'll get locked for going off subject
  10. So lets get back on topic!

    Strip farming. 
  11. Strip farming is so last week. I'm about to start verbally farming people

  12. This thread just caused a lil tear of joy to roll down my cheek 
  13. grain

    Why talk about it epi?its better to just do it instead of talking about itit's much more fun
  14. Nothing wrong with doing both. 
  15. I like to verbally farm people 
  16. This thread lmao
  17. By far the dumbest thread I've ever seen
  18. No you guys need to follow farm ppl
  19. Watch how angry someone gets when you follow them 50 times every hour