Strip farm war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -OnlyAFable-, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. What the hell is this rubbish?
  2. You are that scared u made forum for help

    I don't think you understand we don't care about win : loss

    The fact u made a forum for us means we're always on you mind

    we have farmed a lot of VIP clubs a little noob club like yours doesn't worry usmaybe u should find out who ur farming before you make silly threats

    Sfw is the only reason I play so all your doing is entertaining me
  3. 
  4. I like boobs
  5. Who doesn't?
  6. Everyone loves boobs
  7. Boobs FTW I love the haters haha. :)
  8. Fablewe'd hit bigger stats but ur bc's are always pinnedplussince u don't understand how Sfw's work stats don't matter we hit who we want
  9. I'm so used to calling SFW an OSW
  10. I find it funny that people need help in a sfw that they need to seek help on forums to farm like what? 6 people?

    plus the fact that its against people that only play to cause farm wars for the fun of it makes me laugh even more.

    Oh and they don't care if they lose all they're fake pimd money or they're loss stats have fun making them disband or whatever it is your trying to achievebecause it won't happen
  11. 
  12. Do they not know who you guys are? Like not at all? 

     my family. 
  13. Apparently they have no clue 
  14. April I should farm you for not letting me in your club last night lol
  15. You're not special enough, Wally. 
  16. Epi without our tags no one knows who we are unless they knew us before we dropped tags
  17. I agree with you Epi
  18. I wasn't even on last night that's why u third party app me n I would get on and let u in and plz farm me Wallace 