Strip farm RP clubs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -reset-, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. I like my cucumbers skinned as well...I take a few squirts of ranch and they are yummy
  2. That twinkles is an RP as well 
  3. That twinkles is my alt lmfao. So no RP for him
  4. What is this guy talking about????? He is one of The main violators! He can take his rp stripping and go stick it where the sun don't shine..but guessing by his rp style I'm assuming he'd like it.
  5. You mean Wayne? Clearly someone doesn't understand innuendo 
  6. How is talking bout a salad rp? Man u guys really think to deep about this...maybe everyine else isnt that bad but u guys must be closet rpers ro even think salad is rping!!!
  7. Everyone*....and i use to be a chef and me and mini are exchanging reciepe :p
  8. *caresses tomatoes*
  9. Dont bruise my tomatoes!!!!!
  10. Yeah u gotta be real careful with the tomatoes they bruise easy. But I guess some people like bruised tomatoes.
  11. My tomatoes are perfect round with the stem still attached.
  12. Oooh the perfect juicy ones are the best
  13. A few tomatoes and a skinned cucumber make for a great tossed salad when paired with some ranch.
  14. Massage my tomatoes and all give u ranch on cucumber mini
  15. Apparently my salad talk doesn't entice slam to try it. I'll take my salad elsewhere.
  16. Now now...u have a beautiful salad...i got my fork ready
  17. You both look like salad dodgers
  18. Come on my salad!!!