Strict Gifting Requirements

Discussion in 'Clubs' started by Muschi, Dec 12, 2019.


Would you join a club with gifting rules?

  1. No way.

  2. Sure, but not one that restricts what I can and can't gift.

  3. Yes, even one that restricts what I can and can't gift.

  1. This is the time where I'd wish it was possible to forcefully disband a club :)
    Day and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  2. Imagine the chaos LOL
  3. Just curious of the management or headache it would give.
    How would it work ??? Like while you sleep and there’s a kini or cat which you don’t hit. You wake up and log; you need to gift dropper ?

    Poor admins 😂
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.