Oh yeah coz there's no perv's on kaw within 2 days of playing I had at least 5-10 desperate guys in my pm. Kaw is full of lonely husbands who's wives no longer put out
I've played Kaw and tbh it's just more boring. It doesn't even have to do with the avi's. The dark coloring is a bit much aswell. The building of the lands is more complex than building a dorm on pimd. Don't get me started on the eb's that are on kaw which are like parties on pimd. But you have to do soooo many dif things. Hell I'd need a cheat sheet to get that down right. Ppl are more uptight on Kaw also. Hell wars you can't even talk norm bs only war things.
Lol silly question... you just talk. Do you guys only get attracted to ppl only if they touch you? If that was true then everyone must sleep with someone just before they have an idea of feelings.
Honestly I truly did encounter just as many pervs on KaW as PimD, they just hide it in pm. Guys would find out Im a girl and volley me way op just because of my gender
Lol same happened to me on Kaw Raven. No one would hire me really but as soon as they knew I was a girl I was 50+bil not even 1kcs.
I made this build to be opposite of my main, but I will join intell because I know strength will try to go in for the fast pin,leaving themselves vulnerable to others if intell is reporting hits, it's a strategy to everything . This will be like the rabbit and turtle story.