Strangest RP requests you've seen

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Waddles, Apr 5, 2019.

  1. ....but did you say yes or what?
  2. Nacho cheese and dorito crumbs on my tits RP.

    I laughed but it's definitely the weirder of the rp I have seen in Pub.
  3. C'mon y'all. Different people have different sensual fantasies. Respect 'em as long as they don't harass you.
  4. We’re not judging, we’re just sharing our weird experiences
  5. Cactus rp, bubble gum rp, turtle rp, sock rp :')
  7. You so paid them to say it...
  8. Was once sent something that I now refer to as ”the list”. Aka: a guy added me, then sent me a list with two alternatives (and a bunch of details), one being I help him find job in my country and the other being that he can ”please me and be romantic with me and love me” and come to my country.

    All in all: He wanted to find job and a free stay in another country and to have someone send him cash for this by being their ”lover”.

    I mean, not an rp request but still kinda.
    But have also seen rp request for ”Girls that stutter”. I wonder what that rp looks like.
  10. That's creepy af. I'd block him so fast oh my God have you seen that show called 90 days it's like people who try and get into America or somewhere with marrying
  11. Ye. I mean it is cute, it's just an odd way to go about it
  12. Mhmm mhmm I’m watching you still ?
  13. I gave him a no support and he blocked me :(
  14. Modern day romance
  15. chainsmoker rp. like wtf??
  16. Dragon/Unicorn/Pokémon rp I use cactus rp as a joke now bc I’ve seen that before ?‍♀️?‍♀️
  17. helicopter rp, pizza rp. i like pizza but pizza rp? ?‍♀️
  18. Pregnant ladies in Cali
  19. ;) ;)

    Oh I’ll irl pizza rp.

  20. Sounds like one of my Pub posts