Strange Occurrences

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. Its impossible to make top 10 or top 100 without buying ecs to get keys so those who cant buy ecs are gonna miss out on avis every hunt its not fair.
  2. You can reach t10 and t100 without spending any ec, get someone to hook you up into an cc club which allows dns. Then finish each party and then presto, you’re t10/t100.
  3. Wait, so the shocktober Furniture boxes will be dropping from stories all month.? Or just for this hunt.? ? confused.
  4. All month!
  5. so you think every tier of every hunt should be achievable by everyone?
  6. Screw that. The idea of cat fairies getting overtaken by statless nubs, sounds insane.
  7. In the new side story there’s a typo. When you click watch and then watch while online shopping it says “you keep thinking you CAN laughter, but you’re all alone.”
    I believe can should be hear.
  8. That's what makes it scary
  9. Wouldn’t even call it a typo. They may have forgotten to add “hear” after it. So it should be “you keep thinking you can hear laughter, but you’re all alone.”
  10. Should of added possessed boxes to spinner and inside the hunt boxes cause the chances of winning one from a party are like winning the lottery
  11. But you can get one from a hunt Spoopy box....