Strange Occurrences

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. I’m curious about the possessed boxes
  3. It gave me 3 items. 2 were Halloween themed and the third was a set piece
  4. What’re the items for?
  5. Like do they start a side story or anything? Or are they just random items
  6. How many avis are in this one? Anyone knows?
  7. No one knows. Ata can make as many avatars they’d like in a story
  8. So... Wait how do I get the possessed boxes?
  9. Re: Strange Occurances

    Salty much??? 
  10. They give you miscellaneous stats to help you overpower other players :)
  12. It is the end of the world. Let's all bridge.
  13. For how many horror movies we will get avi
  14. 5k
  15. 
  16. It's definitely there! Remember you need to make some Story progress before being able to see the leaderboard. If you have, try restarting the app, you should be able to see it.

    You can open them year round, but they'll only be dropping in October! :)

    Calm down. I believe Marceline said we've got more in store for Shocktober. ;)

    Why not? :D

  17. There's an in store bug for the 999s
  18.  leaderboard Ava’s are so cute. Wish I could get them.
  19. That last made me laugh too hard 