Stranded on an island Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Opalia, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. I relax in my hut the raven on my chest
  2. (Kk)

    -I take a drink of water-
  3. -falls out of the tree-
  4. I see the snake "$***!!!" I yell loud enough for anyone on the island to here and throw the snake onto a bush (I swear alot so I'm saying sorry in advance)
  5. Hears- well don't need to cuss
  6. Sighs.... Note to self watch out for snakes
  7. I slowly fall asleep
  8. I fall asleep but wake up 2 hours later freezing cold cuz I only have shorts and a tank top on( not short shorts)
  9. I sigh and get up as the sun starts to rise.... Maybe I should have gone with one of the others... Oh well I'm a doctor I figure I'll have to save one of them at sometime
  10. I sleep more
  11. I finally find the cave and the waterfall and I see a small baby eagle that had fallen out of it's nest " AWW... I like animals too much to leave him... I know I shall name him Steve and he shall be my pet"
  12. The raven hops infront of her- caw?
  13. "Shh!"
    -Shushs the bird and tosses him a cracker-
  14. I start drawing the little eagle after catching a few fish and feeding him