Stranded on an island Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Opalia, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. Hmm.. I flip through my drawing book and take out the almost perfect picture I drew of the raven then u can have this
  2. (peace offering)
  3. Well come here and see this if your gonna be stuck here!

    -I jump into the handmade bunker-
  4. No no it's ok- puts the arrow in my quiver and holds the bow
  5. -Follows fox into the hole-
  6. -I jump in after her-
  7. (Its Hendrix now...)
  8. Sighs.... And is about to leave
  9. Need a place to stay?
  10. "I think I can sleep outside."
    -I sit In a tree-
  11. -I point to what look like wooden boards chained to the wall-

    Beds. Mattresses are under the food containers. Your welcome to stay here.
  12. -I shut my eyes hanging upside down-
  13. Umm...thank you
  14. I hold my bow and look around- I have an extra hut
  15. It's surprisingly comfy down here

    -I pull out a carton of water and offer some to bridget-
  16. I decide to continue on to the waterfall in the center of the island
  17. Shrugs and walks to my hut
  18. I decide to sleep so I make a hammock in a tree and sketch a snake that I see not knowing that a poisonous snake was right behind me