I stand up and look around: to the north there's a huge forest and a bunch of mountains, to the south is an ocean, to the west is the beach and some rocks, and to the east the beach turns into hills and cliffs
I see a huge waterfall in the middle of the forest and a cave right beside it and I decide to go to it even though it would take about 2 days to it there( it's a huge island)
I whistle and a raven flats to my shoulder- hey buddy you mind looking for food? It nods and flys off (I've been her for a few months)
I dig in my bag and get out my 7 knives I may know first aid but I also know how to kill. Right as I step into the forest I see a raven looking at me and I already know that's it's trained
(I've been coming here everyday to work on a project) -I move lithely to a small beach where my fort is hidden to see a man in a chair- Who are you?
It circles around your head the darts through the woods shadowed and flys back to me and caws loudly- show me boy- I run throu the woods following him
He leads me to the edge where I see a girl I pull my bow string back and aim at the girl- you have three seconds to tell me who you are and why your here