Stranded on an island Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Opalia, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. Alex lightingstorm
    Likes: running reading and hunting
    Dislikes: showing his emotions thinks he will get hurt if he does
    Weakness- tends to get Hurt if emotion is shown only shows it to the ones he loves or cares about
    Skills: hunter (bow) agility and can free run
    Job: build huts start fires hunt big game
  2. Name: Mark Haines
    Age: 17
    Likes: To make friends with everybody. Be kind to everyone and the piano (which he has a small keyboard with him)
    Dislikes: Annoying and bratty people (kids) and he dislikes the fact of being stranded on the island.
    Job: Building...
  3. Weakness: Letting people take advantage of him...
  4. Ok so unless someone has a friend or someone who wants to join then I guess we can start

    This is how I got stranded ( u can have a different story if u want): I was on a plane headed for Brazil when it crashed because of a storm and I ended up on the island ( we r on the same island)
  5. I came from a crash landing.
  6. I was being held captive by pirates because I was taken from a beach in France...they dropped me off on the island to die
  7. (always fun ^.^')
  8. I Was On An Cruise When Suddenlly I Woke Up On The Island Not Knowing What Happend lol

    (Nvm Bout My Friend)
  9. (so do we start?)
  10. Yup go ahead just say this is the time that u randomly wake up and at first we r all separate then we meet each other later in or u can have a partner I don't care but START
  11. Fox
    Red hair
    Green eyes
    Slightly tanned
    No freckles
    Easy to get along with
    Is a fisher and builds shelters.
    Is afraid to die before she's ready
    Has a guitar she covets.
    Miss anything?
  12. Nope good job
  13. So I wake up on a beach on the south side of the island
  14. -I wake up just inches from the water on the west side of the island-
  15. -I open my eyes. The sun has burnt my back where my shirt was pushed up on my back. My guitar is next to me with a sketch book and charcoal. Water laps at my raft-

  16. "Oh...what happened?"
    -i wake up and rub my head-
  17. -I pick up my paddle. Maybe running away from Venice wasn't so smart after all-
  18. I think " wth is going on here... And why does my head hurt?" looks to my right and sees a first aid kit and my bag with all my animal drawings in it and my survival book( knew it was a good idea to bring that)
  19. -I think for a moment the realize after swimming away from the pirates I must of fallen asleep-