Story Pass: Valentine's Day Edition

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. go away I'm joking
  3. Is there stat items tho
  4. So.... unfair for those who don't have ecs. Greedy af.
  5. Thanks mom. ?
  6. how is it unfair? lmfao you want the opportunity to get all that for free? especially with all the extra little things like PIMD keys and such that they throw in, and the price of the furniture all put together? you're delusional
  7. The avis are not worth enough. They ugly af.
  8. hey sis! there’s a spot in the shop to earn *FREE* EC! It’s called the offer wall, and it’s super easy to get EC if you can’t afford to buy them! ?
  9. Some regions don't have offers...
  10. Glad im not a fan? 249ecs cmon u couldve done a better looking ava
  11. 249 ec?! Ahaha! Y’all must be eating dog food.
  13. Tbh if the puff Avis were the ones in this ec story more people would be going for it
  14. All the best to those that go for this side story. I personally like a good many others will not however participate. It also means that for the duration of this story that lots of us will not be interested in opening boxes in the same way we were, due to these hearts instead of other items. Means I for one will not now pay to open any more boxes till this story ends either. If others feel the same, just maybe box sales will decline for now. A lot of smaller spenders certainly combine well to income for ATA.

    Would love to see over all EC sales for this period, but think it will be down. Time and future actions will reveal the answer. 
  16. i could never
  17. lol 
  18. wow I can't afford that lol thank u though
  19. At least put the avi stats  it’s not like i’m gonna buy the pass, but you know for future reference and for the good of rich pimdians