Story Pass: Valentine's Day Edition

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. While I agree they’ve slowed their holiday (big example being the app birthday) fun the last few years...

    Where does it say anywhere on the app that ata is entitled to give free things? Or that you or anyone is entitled to free things? Yes it’s a free app but how would the app run without purchases? How would the devs be able to release new features (imo pretty often) or keep hunts going nonstop? Yeah the 249 ec is pretty wild imo but like sometimes ya just miss out :? Calling them greedy is understandable at times but if you feel as if you should be catered to, maybe find a new app with those dreams and be humble that ata provides constant content and quite often gives a random lite box or doctor note for literally no reason, usually just because it’s the weekend. Stay happy and stay humble in 2019+
  2. lol u guys sound like i said ata to give us 100 cats or 10000 ecs lol, nvm u r not getting my point :p

  3. take ya ungrateful ass & go boo, it's unwanted here.
  4. gIvE mE mOre FrEe thiNgS cAuSe I dOnt wAnnA sPenD mOneY headass
    Take ya 2dns, be grateful, and shut up.
  5. damn only ec players ? i was excited for a moment, the female avi's kyute
  6. 
  7. Your point is null, you’re calling ata greedy because you want things to be easier to obtain..isn’t that greedy?.. ata is a business so yes they need to meet quotas and if this was their best idea for pricing, then it makes sense.
  9. take ya ungrateful ass & go boo, it's unwanted here.[/quote]
    Keep barking b!tch lol :p oh n keep hating me I LIKE IT
  10. Too expensive
  11. Hate me more :p jerk
  12. Really helping your case, arguing your arguing. Ata really gonna take note and change their ways now pagal
  13. Disappointed but I get the hustle.
  14. *angry seethe*
  16. I'll pass  Not worth it to burn 249ECs
  17. We always miss on things.
  18. Does anyone know what the ava stats are?
  19. I keep getting geometric hearts from lite boxes. Guess its not really super rare after all lol
  20. Always about ECs..:/ sad