Stories Tiers and Rewards

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -PA_Samurai-, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Actually some have avis already
  2. i mean, the ones people win from boxes, yes, there are always those avis. I'm talking about hunt avis that are earned from getting enough drops and completing hunt stories.
  3. gonna wait until i see Avis then turn in everything
  4. Avis are at 1.2k with Alexa's story and 8k at JD's story. Heard from leaderboard players.
  5. Omg really ???! ?
  6. Yes, easy side story at 1.2k drops gives this avi (and probably a male one, but I can't find a pic):

    Sorry I don't have stats on it or anything, but at least you can see what the avi looks like!?
  7. Is muy Thai the easy 1?
  8. Yes, I believe this is on the easy side story.
  9. Yeah, the 8k one is the one in the start up banner next to the new parties. It has pink hair instead of blonde.
  10. Are you telling me it's the same avis from the 1.2k easy side story, only difference is that it has pink hair? ??
  11. Yes same model, different colors
  12. 8k for a side story? And there's meant to be more side stories later. How is that realistic
  14. Do the easy one then. No one is forcing you to do the hard story.
  15. No one force u to do the hard.
  16. Muay is the easy one? Damn it 
  17. How do you post pictures here? I have both avas from the easy story.