Stories Tiers and Rewards

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -PA_Samurai-, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Thanks for posting the pics. :)

    Did they really make one of the avis mathematically stronger (55 13 versus 13 50???)

  2. They fixed it I think. I see 13%/55% and 55%/13% in mine now
  3. Bumping this up
  4. 500 Booster Packs

    GeExpo Wristband (125kcs)

    1.5k Booster Packs

    Pile of Trading Cards (250kcs)
  5. Always wonder why you all put the 1st tier when we already know it
  6. You got nothing nice to say keep it to yourself. I for one find the 1st tier postings very helpful and thank those who put aside their time to post.

  7. Rude
  8. I always wonder why people are ungrateful and rude for no reason. Learn some manners
  9. Maybe to create the illusion of order in a chaotic world? Having things nice and neat didn't ever kill anybody.
  10. Who cares? She's just showing all the stuff your RS could have if she was actually able to hit a party.
  11. Any body know which sides have which Avis at 6k yet??
  12. Don't know if anyone reached 6K yet. Check the leader board.
  13. --Sinner is wearing the 6k female avatar for party for the throne I believe. It's a fat chick
  14. She’s not fat. She’s thick. Like a queen.
  15. Agree to disagree ??‍♀️
  16. If she’s fat you just think Kim K is a planet.
  17. "Queen?" Is she meant to be? She looks more like just a girl going to a party with a dress and halloween cat ears. Or did the playdr switch the avi?

  18. 3k Booster Packs
