Stories Tiers and Rewards

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -PA_Samurai-, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. I'd also like to know this  what if I want all the female avatars
  2. 1k hard hats is 450 piggies..
  3. I'm guessing 15k piggy banks will be the max for easy stories and 60k for hard stories
  4. Marco

    4.5k landscaper
    450 piggy bank

  5. 1k Landscaper Lucre
    300 PIMDBanks
  6. 5k for easy avis
  7. Zander's Story

    50 Bartender Bucks
    -250 PIMDBank

    500 Bartender Bucks
    -Cocktail Shaker 75k/75k
    -100 PIMDBank

    2k Bartender Bucks
    -Blackberry Gin & Tonic
    -100 PIMDBank
  8. Anyone doing molly's one?
  9. JD story
    1k:450 Pimdbank
    4.5k:Wood boring drill 375,000/375,000 & 300 Pimdbank
    9k:Large Teapot 500,000/500,000 & 300 Pimdbank
    18k:1Dn, 300 Pimdbank, 1 kini, 1 cp, Lady babypaws III 1,000,000/1,000,000 & Hard Hat Hottie Avi

    (Sorry don't know how to put pics on this)
  10. Molly
    500 Glass Piggy Bank
    350 Bank

    2500 Glass Piggy Bank
    Dog Whistle (250,000/250,000)
    200 Bank

    (All I got. Clueless on pictures too)
  11. Avis plural? I thought there's only one per story
  12. 2 eaay 2 medium 2 difficult.1 per story
  13. Many thanks?
  14. Anyone know the stats on any/all of the avis?
  15. There you go. 
  17. What does the medium avis look like? ??
  18. Any recommendations 4 the best female avi would be greatly appreciated please & thank u in advance..
  19. It shows you all of them when you open the game. On the little announcement thing
  20. You can check on the pinned post for this event, don't know off the top of my head sorry