Stories Tiers and Rewards

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -PA_Samurai-, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Yup
  2. 1000 togas
    -200 PIMDbanks
    -1furniture box
  3. Gladiators avis at 2.4k
  5. Toga! Toga! Toga!

    Main Story (Alexa)
    Cups of Glory

    500 Cups of Glory
    • Lighting Cookies [stats] 62,500/62,500 [/stats]
    • 400 PIMD Bank

    1,500 Cups of Glory
    • Grape Balloons [stats] 125,000/125,000 [/stats]
    • 500 PIMD Bank

    3,000 Cups of Glory
    • Assorted Olives [stats] 250,000/250,000 [/stats]
    • 600 PIMD Bank

    6,000 Cups of Glory
    • Ancient Greek Coin [stats] 500,000/500,000 [/stats]
    • Sorority Sister
    • Greek Life
    • 700 PIMD Bank
    • 1 Doctors Note

    15,000 Cups of Glory
    • Greek Amphora[stats] 1,000,000/1,000,000 [/stats]
    • 800 PIMD Bank
    • 1 Doctors Note
    • 1 Care Pack Notice

    30,000 Cups of Glory
    • Cerebus Plush[stats] 1,500,000/1,500,000 [/stats]
    • 1000 PIMD Bank
    • 2 Doctors Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice

    60,000 Cups of Glory
    • Gryphon Plush
      [stats] 2,000,000/2,000,000 [/stats]
    • Antique Oil Lamp
      [stats] 50,000/50,000 [/stats]
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 1500 PIMD Bank
    • 2 Doctors Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice

    SIDE STORY (Marco)
    *Unlocks with golden candle*

    Greek Candles

    100 Greek Candles
    • 100 PIMD Bank
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Box
    • Golden Candle

    800 Greek Candles
    • Dionysus' Cup
      [stats] 375,000/375,000 [/stats]

    2,000 Greek Candles
    • Roman Chariot
      [stats] 750,000/750,000 [/stats]


    100 Togas
    • 100 PIMD Bank
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Box

    400 Togas
    • Caesar Salad
      [stats] 250,000/250,000 [/stats]

    800 Togas
    • Marble Column
      [stats] 375,000/375,000 [/stats]

    Togas Part 2

    1000 Togas
    • 100 PIMD Bank
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Box

    1600 Togas
    • Column Cake
      [stats] 500,000/500,000 [/stats]
  7. Is 2.4k the end of the togas.?
  8. Yeah until the final side task which will hopefully start when there's 3-4 days left
  9. 2.7K Togas

    300 PIMD BANK
  10. 3.6k togas
    Dogusus Caesar 1.5/1.5 mcs

    4.9k togas
    VIP Gladiator/Gladiatrix avatar 57/15%
    HellasChill Artemis Bed
  12. Same as the ones from the box?