Stories Tiers and Rewards

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -PA_Samurai-, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Toga! Toga! Toga!

    Main Story (Alexa)
    Cups of Glory

    500 Cups of Glory
    • Lighting Cookies [stats] 62,500/62,500 [/stats]
    • 400 PIMD Bank

    1,500 Cups of Glory
    • Grape Balloons [stats] 125,000/125,000 [/stats]
    • 500 PIMD Bank

    3,000 Cups of Glory
    • Assorted Olives [stats] 250,000/250,000 [/stats]
    • 600 PIMD Bank

    6,000 Cups of Glory
    • Ancient Greek Coin [stats] 500,000/500,000 [/stats]
    • Sorority Sister
    • Greek Life
    • 700 PIMD Bank
    • 1 Doctors Note

    15,000 Cups of Glory
    • Greek Amphora[stats] 1,000,000/1,000,000 [/stats]
    • 800 PIMD Bank
    • 1 Doctors Note
    • 1 Care Pack Notice

    30,000 Cups of Glory
    • Cerebus Plush[stats] 1,500,000/1,500,000 [/stats]
    • 1000 PIMD Bank
    • 2 Doctors Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice

    60,000 Cups of Glory
    • Gryphon Plush
      [stats] 2,000,000/2,000,000 [/stats]
    • Antique Oil Lamp
      [stats] 50,000/50,000 [/stats]
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 1500 PIMD Bank
    • 2 Doctors Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
  2. What does these candles do that are dropping? MrHappyPills has 2 kinds and i wanna know how to get them
  3. Well Marco side story you have to Collect 100 Greek candles. Reward is 100 pimdbank, golden Greek candle, amazing furniture box.
  4. I don't see a side story for macro yet.
  5. You get it once you get a candle
  6. I have lots of candles. Mostly pumpkin spice flavored.
  7. So side story wont start if you dont have candle --'
  8. How do you get this candle thing
  9. After that you get Dionysus' cup stats 375,000/375,000
  10. I'm ahead of one of my friends in the main story but he has candles
  11. from my understanding, basically you need luck to get the drop to start the story, it drops from the potd/ppotd/cc/kini party, so not everyone will have one.
  12. The candles are random drops from parties
  13. This doesn't seem fair to me 
  14. Its not. I questioned it since I noticed it so well I haven't seen many people with candles so the items from that story are gonna be rare :(
  15. Does anybody have a club to reference what this candle looks like?
  16. Cry me a river
  17. If I do will you promise to swim in it.
  18. ^ Get on with it already
  19. O I was wondering wtf the candles were about, seen a member in my club with two & the other candle
  20. Toga! Toga! Toga!

    Main Story (Alexa)
    Cups of Glory

    500 Cups of Glory
    • Lighting Cookies [stats] 62,500/62,500 [/stats]
    • 400 PIMD Bank

    1,500 Cups of Glory
    • Grape Balloons [stats] 125,000/125,000 [/stats]
    • 500 PIMD Bank

    3,000 Cups of Glory
    • Assorted Olives [stats] 250,000/250,000 [/stats]
    • 600 PIMD Bank

    6,000 Cups of Glory
    • Ancient Greek Coin [stats] 500,000/500,000 [/stats]
    • Sorority Sister
    • Greek Life
    • 700 PIMD Bank
    • 1 Doctors Note

    15,000 Cups of Glory
    • Greek Amphora[stats] 1,000,000/1,000,000 [/stats]
    • 800 PIMD Bank
    • 1 Doctors Note
    • 1 Care Pack Notice

    30,000 Cups of Glory
    • Cerebus Plush[stats] 1,500,000/1,500,000 [/stats]
    • 1000 PIMD Bank
    • 2 Doctors Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice

    60,000 Cups of Glory
    • Gryphon Plush
      [stats] 2,000,000/2,000,000 [/stats]
    • Antique Oil Lamp
      [stats] 50,000/50,000 [/stats]
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 1500 PIMD Bank
    • 2 Doctors Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice

    SIDE STORY (Marco) *Unlocks when you have a golden candle*
    Greek Candles

    100 Greek Candles
    • 100 PIMD Bank
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Box
    • Golden Candle

    800 Greek Candles
    • Dionysus' Cup [stats] 375,000/375,000 [/stats]