Stories Tiers and Rewards

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -PA_Samurai-, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. How are they gonna manage to include 3 whole sets of avis within the stories, not including the vips, in 7 days 

  2. Main Story (Kiran)

    300 Cans of Mountain Down't
    • 400 PIMD Banks
    • Kitschy Cards

    900 Cans of Mountain Down't
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • Munchman Cookies

    1,800 Cans of Mountain Down't
    • 600 PIMD Banks
    • Tomodachi

    3,500 Cans of Mountain Down't
    • 700 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor’s Note
    • 2 Avatars
    • Sugary Turkey

    9,300 Cans of Mountain Down't
    • 800 PIMD Banks
    • Evil Apple Plush

    Side Story (Molly)

    75 Prismey VHS Tapes
    • 1 Fall Furniture Box
    • Wound Spindle

    200 Prismey VHS Tapes
    • 1 Fall Furniture Box
    • Fabric Lei

    450 Prismey VHS Tapes
    • 1 Fall Furniture Box
    • Aqua Sparkle Cupcake
  3. I'm thinking one set must be LB avis tbh... and that leaves two for stories like usual? Idk tho
  4. Either way it’s really odd that we’re getting a second set of avis. They always do the vips of main story avis for side story during 1 week hunts.
  5. Bummmpppp ?
  6. Soo where the other Avis 
  7. It's literally been less than 24 hours... have some patience.

  8. Main Story (Kiran)

    300 Cans of Mountain Down't
    • 400 PIMD Banks
    • Kitschy Cards

    900 Cans of Mountain Down't
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • Munchman Cookies

    1,800 Cans of Mountain Down't
    • 600 PIMD Banks
    • Tomodachi

    3,500 Cans of Mountain Down't
    • 700 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor’s Note
    • 2 Avatars
    • Sugary Turkey

    9,300 Cans of Mountain Down't
    • 800 PIMD Banks
    • Evil Apple Plush

    Side Story (Molly)

    75 Prismey VHS Tapes
    • 1 Fall Furniture Box
    • Wound Spindle

    200 Prismey VHS Tapes
    • 1 Fall Furniture Box
    • Fabric Lei

    450 Prismey VHS Tapes
    • 1 Fall Furniture Box
    • Aqua Sparkle Cupcake

    ??? Prismey VHS Tapes
    • 1 Fall Furniture Box
    • Glass Shoe

  10. Frog Prince plush is 19k
  11. Soo we can’t get the other Avis ?
  12. I'm sure we can they aren't out yet
  13. You’ve already been told to wait patiently so stop being repetitive. They’re not going to release all the avatars within the first day or two of an event.
  14. I need to hurry tf up ?
  15. Is this your first time playing? The side story avis are rolled out throughout the hunt, meaning you will not be able to get them right off the bat.
  17. Frog Prince plush tier is 19,000. ?