Stories Tiers and Rewards

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -PA_Samurai-, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. update please
  2. 2.5k 2mcs single

  3. Main Story (Tess)

    300 Memory Cards
    • 400 PIMD Banks
    • Scuba Tank

    900 Memory Cards
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • Diving Mask

    1,800 Memory Cards
    • 600 PIMD Banks
    • Royal Mermaid's Ring

    3,500 Memory Cards
    • 700 PIMD Banks
    • Fishy Cupcakes
    • 2 Avatars

    9,300 Memory Cards
    • 1 Doctor’s Note
    • 800 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • Tiny Fish Tank

    19,000 Memory Cards
    • 2 Doctor’s Note
    • 1,000 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • Royal Mermaid’s Crown

    40,000 Memory Cards
    • 2 Doctor’s Notes
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • Ocean Explorer Cat

    Side Story (Quinn)

    100 Pottery Fragments
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Diver's Flippers

    200 Pottery Fragments
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Lem-Mermaid

    450 Pottery Fragments
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Jaws' Jaws

    1,000 Pottery Fragments
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Shooting Starfish

    Side Story (JD)

    125 Hair-like Seaweed
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Antique Diving Helmet

    450 Hair-like Seaweed
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Glass Jellyfish

    950 Hair-like Seaweed
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Cup-topus

    1.8k Hair-like Seaweed
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Jelly-brella
    • 2 VIP Avatars

    Side Story (Joaquin)

    225 Ocean Photos
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Sea Bunny Plush Toy

    950 Ocean Photos
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Shark Tooth Pendant

    1,700 Ocean Photos
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Bottled Mermaid Tears
    [stats]750,000/750,000 [/stats]

  4. Main Story (Tess)

    300 Memory Cards
    • 400 PIMD Banks
    • Scuba Tank

    900 Memory Cards
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • Diving Mask

    1,800 Memory Cards
    • 600 PIMD Banks
    • Royal Mermaid's Ring

    3,500 Memory Cards
    • 700 PIMD Banks
    • Fishy Cupcakes
    • 2 Avatars

    9,300 Memory Cards
    • 1 Doctor’s Note
    • 800 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • Tiny Fish Tank

    19,000 Memory Cards
    • 2 Doctor’s Note
    • 1,000 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • Royal Mermaid’s Crown

    40,000 Memory Cards
    • 2 Doctor’s Notes
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • Ocean Explorer Cat

    Side Story (Quinn)

    100 Pottery Fragments
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Diver's Flippers

    200 Pottery Fragments
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Lem-Mermaid

    450 Pottery Fragments
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Jaws' Jaws

    1,000 Pottery Fragments
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Shooting Starfish

    Side Story (JD)

    125 Hair-like Seaweed
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Antique Diving Helmet

    450 Hair-like Seaweed
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Glass Jellyfish

    950 Hair-like Seaweed
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Cup-topus

    1.8k Hair-like Seaweed
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Jelly-brella
    • 2 VIP Avatars

    Side Story (Joaquin)

    225 Ocean Photos
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Sea Bunny Plush Toy

    950 Ocean Photos
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Shark Tooth Pendant

    1,700 Ocean Photos
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Bottled Mermaid Tears
    [stats]750,000/750,000 [/stats]

    2,500 Ocean Photos
    • 1 Summer Furniture Box
    • Mermaid Swimsuit
    Shaark and Lizos like this.
  5. Update please
  6. Jeez Louise
    Wait people have real life.
  7. It literally just started. You want an update so bad, do it yourself. Or be patient and wait like the rest of us.
  8. Support
  9. I dunno how to do the things but the hunt Avis are just the non-vip box Avis at 23 intel, plus a summer box and a 1mc item.

    Edit to clarify; the two Avis of your chosen clique are at 23. I'd assume once you get them you get to choose another clique and start over.
  10. Again, no idea how to do the forum things but I'm trying lol

    Jock story

    4 intel total
    250kc school spirit megaphone, summer box
    7 intel total
    500kc cheerleader pompoms, summer box
    12 intel total
    750kc school spirit backpack, summer box
    23 intel total
    1mc letter jacket, 2 non-vip version of the box avis, summer box
  11. Your effort is appreciated 
  12. Ty for the effort
    Much appreciated <3
  13. Sorry not good with uploading pictures but....


    4 INTEL

    250KCS Chrome Jewelry Assortment

    7 INTEL

    500KCS Tough Guy Backpack
  14. Thank you both!