Stories Tiers and Rewards

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -PA_Samurai-, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. I checked both and the avi isn’t in either. It didn’t seem to be a party drop either?‍♀️
  2. Could it possibly be a glitch and February month spinner/store avi?
  3. That’s what I’m thinking since Black Friday had a lot of glitches allowing a lot of people to get avis quick, cheaper, or accidentally
  4. It could be like the bag avatar type thing. (Course, not sure how they got it) but if you notice in the store there is two different colored bags along with various avatars we haven’t seen in the main hunt so.. ??
  5. Bump to this page

  6. This avatar doesn't exist either. Maybe this is the male to the female
  7. Maybe it’s just a one coming out mid hunt or end of hunt :/
  8. If I knew where I got the avi from I would tell you guys and if you wanna know pm me 
  9. If you observe the shop there is a bag that is on the banner that I am spectating will appear in the next few days with that avi
  10. YOU GUYS... it was a glitch  she opened a Black Friday bag a couple days ago, and she got that avi; I’m guessing the avi was meant to be for Valentine’s Day but the glitch gave it to her now.
  11. No pix but puggy of love is a 4mcs stat item not sure what else comes with but i saw a clubmate with it...
  12. ^ it’s probably the last tier of the Main Story, considering it’s 4mcs

  13. Black friday bags arent able to be opened after the hunt
  14. You can tho  and I think the devs even said it somewhere sorry bb

    But yeah, there’s probably gonna be Valentine avatar bags
  15. Yeah Black Friday bags can still be opened, I have a few and they still say 200ec. I think it said in store or something at the time that they are openable afterwards.
  16. Bump
  17. Agreed fully