Stories Tiers and Rewards

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -PA_Samurai-, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Hey Guys, just so everyone knows, lots of people help with names of items and also screenshots etc. I have just been putting them together In a nice tidy format. As this is a community based and run forum, EVERYONE is able to update it if you have the accurate information! You may not get thanked, but lots of people do use it, and do appreciate it. And I thank everyone that has helped make this thread, and also who have helped update it and let the rest of the community know what is further up the track!
  3. New story up
    Tier 1: 200 PIMDBank 25 yellow shopping bags
    Will update as I flash ?
    Willing to send pictures for people to post but I won't be personally posting pictures ):
  4. I'm gonna try and help update this so bare with me.  I may not get it correct the first time.
  5. A Roaring New Year (Blue Shopping Bags)

    250 Blue Shopping Bags
    • 200 PIMD Bank
    • 25 Yellow Shopping Bags
  6. 500 drops: golden loafers 25 yellow bags
  7. A Roaring New Year (Blue Shopping Bags)

    250 Blue Shopping Bags
    • 200 PIMD Bank
    • 25 Yellow Shopping Bags

    500 Blue Shopping Bags
    • Golden Loafers
    • 25 Yellow Shopping Bags
  8. A Roaring New Year (Blue Shopping Bags)

    250 Blue Shopping Bags
    • 200 PIMD Bank
    • 25 Yellow Shopping Bags

    500 Blue Shopping Bags
    • Golden Loafers
    • 25 Yellow Shopping Bags

    1,500 Blue Shopping Bags
    • Dapper Fedora
    • 25 Yellow Shopping Bags
  10. Anything after 1500?
  11. Think there's been a mix up.. These r the rewards 4 Blue Shopping Bags.. In here it says yellow.. Just a heads up..
  12. Whats next at 1.5k bag?
  13. Looks right to me. You get yellow from the blue.
  14. The current task is collecting blue bags and the rewards include yellow bags.
  15. ooooooh, I c now.. I got mixed up.. lol.. Sorryz
  16. Is that fedora image a picture of someone's phone? ?
    Thanks for putting this together yet again!
  17. Yup, I think so, but still gets it out there?